Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends

“Meditate … do not delay, lest you later regret it.”
~ The Buddha (Sallekha Sutta)

Characteristics of Mindfulness:
INTENTION or "On Purpose" - To cultivate awareness, to have a method,
ATTENTION or "Paying Attention" - To what is occurring in the present moment, internal and external experience; observing and acknowledging thoughts, feelings and sensations as they arises and accepting as they are,
ATTITUDE (Mindfulness Qualities) or "In a Particular Way" - Non-Judging (Clarity & Realization), Acceptance (of things as they are), Patience, Openness to Experience, Curiosity, Non-Striving (not for pleasant experience or to push aversive experience away), Letting Go (Non-Attachment), Peace & Equanimity, Compassion (Gratitude and Generosity),

Meditation to develop….
Practice and keep these Five Precepts, they will help you in your meditation.
Five Precepts to follow a "Code of Behavior or Code of Moral Conduct"
1) To abstain from killing;
2) To abstain from stealing;
3) To abstain from sexual misconduct;
4) To abstain from lying;
5) To abstain from all intoxicants

Implementing, developing, maintaining, and continuing the practice of meditation will bring realizations, and then awareness. A calm and positive state of mind can lead to peace and profound energy. Meditation is a way to transform the mind and to:
Develop Clarity: To train our ability to concentrate and thus to gain mental clarity, we must narrow our focus specifically on the breath during meditation. We should be aware of our breath and body sensations (Vipassana).
Develop Discipline: In order to improve our meditation skills, keep practicing. Make it a habit and stay consistent, even if it is only for 10 or 20 minutes a day. You can increase your daily meditation over time, just be sure to make it a daily practice. We need to be disciplined in order to see growth.
Develop Tolerance: Tolerance involves a combination of patience and understanding. It involves the ability to accept or allow situations, opinions, behaviors, beliefs, observations, and even others with whom we may or may not agree. Our tolerance for stress, challenging situations, and frustration will increase as we continue to practice meditation regularly. Meditation teaches us to let go of negative thoughts that tend to run through our mind in cycles every day and to focus on the present, letting go of past frustrations and future worries. The more we meditate, the more resilient and patient we become in the face of crisis. We will discover that what used to cause us worry, no longer affects us. This is how meditation can help turn unresolved conflicts to a resolution even when we are no longer in contact with the individual with whom we have a conflict. Through mediation, we can find ways to deal with unresolved issues, helping us develop tolerance when we let go of hurt and/or anger. Meditation involves deep self-reflection and increased self-awareness.
Develop Higher Qualities: We will experience a greater ability to be present, to fully accept our state of mind, to develop self-knowledge, to learn to concentrate, and to deal with stress over time as we continue to practice meditation. These are the qualities we develop through meditation practice:
The ability to consistently come back to the present moment
To have awareness of our surroundings
The insight we develop by virtue of coming back into our experience
To confront our circumstances instead of hiding from unresolved, underlying emotional problems, expectations, hopes, and fears that lie beneath the surface of our mind and body
To become awake to the patterns and to the situations we are in
Develop Perspective: Meditation can be used to build the habitual process of training our mind to focus and redirect our thoughts, to increase awareness of self and surroundings, and as a way to reduce stress and develop the ability to focus. As we meditate and learn to accept ourselves for who we are, it becomes easier for us to accept others, regardless of any differences we might have. By taking inventory of our own lives and thoughts, we will learn to understand where we can be more tolerant, more patient, more compassionate and more loving.
Put it into daily practice and find out for yourself how much you will grow!